Our experience includes defending commercial property owners, managers, insurers, agents, contractors and tenants against claims of alleged negligence on premises ranging from restaurants and hotels to construction sites; retail stores to industrial plants; healthcare facilities to airports. Our firm regularly works on behalf of insurers in premises liability cases.
In today’s litigious world, one in which juries will casually render multi-million dollar awards, you need an attorney with a proven track record in your corner. Defending and paying out on meritless claims should not be “the cost of doing business.” From the beginning, it is critical to determine whether a claim has merit and if so, how to best defend the claim and mitigate any damages. Choosing the right lawyer to protect your interests, as soon as practical, is critically important. Although the stereotypical premises liability case is the proverbial ‘slip and fall’, Campbell Conroy & O’Neil, P.C. is often called on to defend clients in cases involving far graver scenarios, particularly accidents resulting in paraplegia or death, as well as substantial damage to property.
Accident Investigation
Post-accident recollections and statements, the condition of the premises, retention of video surveillance and other post accident evidence can be fleeting. Accordingly, pre-suit accident investigation can make an enormous difference in uncovering information vital to the defense of the case. Our services include immediate response and investigation of accidents, especially those involving catastrophic injuries or the potential for large damage awards.
Personal Injury Claims
Unfortunately, injuries occur from a wide variety of accident mechanisms, many of which are entirely unforeseeable to the premises owner. Common components of premises such as flooring, stairs, risers, railings, ceiling, and clearances, as well as building codes and regulations are often issues in even the least complex premises liability cases. Lawyers at Campbell Conroy & O’Neil, P.C. have given numerous presentations on the intricacies of this practice area, and are on the forefront of defending premises owners in personal injury cases.
Violent Crimes and Premises Security Claims
In greater numbers, claims are continuously being made against premises owners based on injuries resulting from assaults, batteries, and other criminal activities on the premises. Often these claims will allege that owners either did not take steps to mitigate known criminal activity in the area, and/or that security was inadequate on the premises. Lawyers at Campbell Conroy & O’Neil, P.C. are intimately familiar with the latest developments in this field, and have the years of trial experience necessary to provide our clients with the best defense available.
Dramshop and Social Host Claims
The provision of alcohol on commercial and private properly can lead to accidents, severe personal injuries, and even death. If someone is injured after the service of alcohol at your restaurant, tavern, or home, it is vital to retain attorneys with extensive experience in this area. Lawyers at Campbell Conroy & O’Neil, P.C. are experienced in every aspect of Dramshop and Social Host claims.
Workplace Accidents
When an employee or visitor is injured in the workplace, special rules exist to protect that individual. Owners of the workplace needs lawyers to protect their own interests that are familiar with these rules and who can determine if a claim is bona fide, either in whole or in part. Lawyers at Campbell Conroy & O’Neil, P.C. are deeply knowledgeable about the Code of Massachusetts Regulations, OSHA regulations and guidelines, as well as other workplace rules that may affect a claim against your company.