The Campbell Conroy & O'Neil, P.C. pharmaceutical and medical device litigation team represents pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers in all types of product defect actions. Past representations have involved exposures in the millions of dollars, and include the defense of mass tort actions. Our pharmaceutical and medical device litigation team works closely with corporations and their inside counsel to defend the products they manufacture and sell.
We have broad experience in handling traditional lawsuits, arbitrations brought under federal and state laws, and serving as defense liaison counsel in mass tort actions. Our practice is anchored by our extensive and unique expertise in complex legal areas, especially products and professional liability. We have successfully tried cases ranging from “bet-the-company” situations to individual claims in courts around the country. We have handled class actions and Daubert hearings, and have achieved numerous other victories through dispositive motions and on appeal. Campbell Conroy & O’Neil, P.C. stays abreast of the most recent case law, technological advances, and industry trends to ensure the best defense for our clients.
The firm is currently involved in the defense of a multi-jurisdictional lawsuit in which plaintiffs allege injuries as a result of the prolonged use of the drug Reglan, involving close to 1,000 individual cases. Fortune 100 drug companies, medical device makers, and generic pharmaceutical manufacturers have all turned to Campbell Conroy & O’Neil, P.C. for sophisticated defenses in mass tort actions in recent years. Our attorneys have played an integral role in developing the preeminent defenses in latex glove, hormone replacement therapy, and diet drug litigation.